Duncan Hoole

Duncan Hoole

A Digital Marketer and Web Developer based in Cape Town, South Africa with experience in both the B2C and B2B space.


Esteffan Coetzee

Esteffan Coetzee

A Digital Marketer with experience in the B2C and B2B space, specialising in helping startups build their brand.

Reasons why you may need a Website Update


Even though change can be frightening, time-consuming, and even costly, it is still a good thing. The same goes for web design. A well-constructed and updated website can boost its search engine rankings and make you look more authoritative to your visitors.

Are you thinking about updating your website? These are our top reasons why you may need to update your website:

1. Your Website hasn’t had an update in the past two years

Those who fail to keep up with innovation in the digital world may be left behind. There is a good chance that websites developed or updated some time ago have outdated code. This negatively impacts your overall website’s performance and leads to security risks.

2. Your current Website is not responsive or user-friendly

A well-structured, consistent, and easily navigable website is intuitive and user-friendly, but if it’s not responsive, visitors will quickly leave.

When your website isn’t responsive, you can’t predict how it will look on different devices. As mobile and tablet devices have surpassed desktops as the go-to browsing devices in most parts of the world, responsive website design is a factor that should not be overlooked.

Here are our key principles of Web Design and Development.

3. You don’t have effective Call-to-Action’s in place

Does your website have call-to-actions that convert visitors into customers?

Firstly, what are Call-to-Actions (CTA)?

CTA buttons are placed on web pages at strategic points in order to encourage visitors to complete particular actions by clicking on them. CTA buttons should be prominent, attractive, and compelling enough to entice readers to complete the desired actions.

Here’s a recent post that we did that highlights a few points about how you can optimize your landing pages.

4. Your Website does not meet ever-changing user expectations

Meeting people’s expectations is one of the most convincing reasons to update your website. Over the past two years, the following expectations have changed:

  • A website’s load time.
  • The User Experience.
  • Testimonials with more credibility and trust.
  • The need for HTTPS:// for security.
  • Multimedia, including video.

5. Your Website is not SEO optimized

Recent content tends to be favored over dated content by search engines. If your website is still offering the same content that it did two years ago, then it’s bound to drop in the rankings.

How is your current website performing? Use this cool open-source development tool to test your website performance.

Open Website > Right-click > Inspect > Lighthouse.

Lighthouse Development Tool

Is your website due for an update?

Feel free to message me on Whatsapp or via Email for additional guidance with your website updates. 👋

Reasons why you may need a website update
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

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